Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blame it on the Alcohol?

Why do people go out and drink so much that they embarrass themselves? I ask this because it never fails that I go out for drinks and somebody surpasses their limits and ends up stumbling around with their speech slurred, dancing all up on somebody. I must admit, it makes the night interesting just wondering what they will do next, but I often wonder how people get so out of their character? I've had my moments where I've had a little too much, but I've never started acting outside of my character or forget my manners.

So many people have blamed it on the alcohol when you ask them about their behavior afterwards. I do not understand this. I learned the hard way, just like many, about what my limits are. I've also learned what to do if I feel like I've drank too much or too fast (ice water & lots of it!). The only difference I have been told about was that my speech slurred, or that I laughed a lot more than usual. I certainly never lost my memory or forgot what matters to me. I've never gotten a report where my friends said that I did anything extreme or disrespected myself or anybody else for that matter.

There have been people that I thought I knew pretty well who used liquor as an excuse to do things like being rude, starting fights, and being promiscuous. Can you really blame those things on having one too many? I don't think alcohol has an extremely mind altering affect on people. I just think it amplifies your personality. I know lots of people who drink and don't get crazy with it. I don't know about you, but the worst thing in the world is to see the person you like out there with one too many. I know many don't share that sentiment, and think they are quite entertaining when they are out there sloppy drunk with funky breath dancing around speaking loudly. They are entertaining to those of us who don't care or love them.

I admire people who take responsibility for their actions. People who are responsible for their actions don't tend to have to apologize the next day for what they did while they were under the influence. Using alcohol to escape is the reason that most people knock one back, but taking it to the point where you are out there doing things you would be ashamed of later indicates a bigger problem. I'm not saying that this makes a person an alcoholic, but it does indicate alcohol abuse. I find it hard to take women seriously when they get sloppy drunk at the club, freak the guy down on the dance floor, take him home with her, and then be surprised when he isn't interested in them later. And I've heard some men say that they cheated simply because they had one too many. Come on! Who are you fooling? I've had liquor before. Liquor doesn't make you see unicorns and fairies or forget reality. You do those things because on some level, you wanted to.

Like I said, you live and learn and everybody is entitled to a few times but I know people who get this way every single time they drink. And it doesn't deter them from doing the same thing even harder the next time. I can tell you that when people see you this way it doesn't make them want to be around you because you are the life of the party. If they are drawn to you, it's for entertainment.

On one of my birthdays I had a party at my house. One of my sister's girlfriends must have thought it was her birthday because she got so drunk that she threw up all over my bathroom, had an accident in her clothes, and then proceeded to strip naked and had to be carried out of there. It was ironic to see how it broke the party up because the ladies were all concerned, but also giggling. My sister was totally embarrassed, and the men could have cared less. Another girl I went out with proceeded to get totally wasted before we even got to the party. By the time she got there she was so nauseous she threw up in the ice bucket at the table! She got angry at the suggestion of letting us take her home, and said she wanted to stay. Once I saw she was going to nurse the ice bucket all night (without emptying it--gross), I lined up a ride home for her and left her there. Another lady was one of my relatives friends but she was known for drinking too much and having accidents on herself all of the time. She would apologize profusely the next day, but then turn around and do it again and again.

Of course we are supposed to be responsible when we drink, but I don't think it is that simple for some people. Some people want that attention, some want that excuse to misbehave, and some just want to escape. Regardless of the reason, being drunk is not a good look on anyone. I think it is up to the individual to know the reasons they are drinking and try to gage it. Personally, I don't drink to get drunk. I am one of those people who is not comfortable with the lack of control I have over my body (speech, reflexes, balance). Because really when it's all said & done, you can really do serious damage (driving drunk, saying hurtful things, infringing on other people's good time because they have to "take care" of you), and you will only have yourself to blame.
Note: Please be responsible enough to not drink & drive!
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