Time is our rarest commodity. We can never get it back. Whom we choose to spend our uncertain amount of that time with is our most important choice. So often we are thrown into situations with people at work, school, or elsewhere. Some of these people, we know we would never choose to be around. Some of these people, we are so glad they were there because they made the time spent so much better.
In the past year, I've learned the value of my time. I learned that those who do no appreciate it, will no longer have the benefit of it. I also learned that good or bad, we can choose with whom we spend the majority of our time. While procrastinating and settling, we need to think about how precious our time is. There are so many things to do and people to meet that if we really could calculate our time, we would never be able to do all of the things we would truly want to do.
So now even if I'm stuck in line, or in a new class, I've learned to try to squeeze some joy or humor into my life. I look around me or talk to people who are suffering with me and try to find some sort of value in the experience. Since doing this, I've heard the funniest stories and been apart of some of the weirdest circumstances but they were all made better because of how I chose to spend my time. I let my light shine wherever I am.
This can also go in the opposite direction. In the past I've spent time with some toxic people who I should not have given a second glance. I've suffered through other people's anguish out of kindness even when I knew they were just wallowing. Some crosses are not ours to bare. And some things we can not fix or change. When this is the case, and someone is bringing down the value of our time, we need to learn to walk away. In the simple act of walking away we can increase the value of what we are doing with our time. We can choose to go from wasting time, to making the most of our time by simply being aware that the clock is always ticking.
So this Holiday Season, I want to spend more quality time with the people I truly care about, and stop wasting my time on the people who aren't adding value to my life. I want to laugh and continue to see the beauty in life. This is a habit of being optimistic. With so much negativity out here, you really have to be aware and work on this habit. And it may require cutting some very deep ties and finding new forms of support. But the ultimate goal of living a life of quality and value is so worth it.